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Weekly Devotionals

Words of Faith from our Ministers


Romans 8:18 “I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.”

I don’t know who cried more that day, me or my son. Reading Pastor Wilson’s devotion last week reminded me of one of my most painful experiences as a mom. My son was starting Kindergarten and had to get vaccinated. As the nurse called us from the waiting room, my heart began to sink, knowing my baby was in for a painful experience. He had to get three shots. I saw how he tried to take the first shot like a “big boy”. He sat there all confident and brave, until that needle pierced his little skin and the pain started to push through his leg. My little boy started to cry.  

After seeing that he had two more shots to go, he attempted to escape the nurse and get far away. The nurse tried to hold him down, but my son cried louder and began to reach out for me. As I walked over to him, the closer I got, the more I could see relief come over his face. He desperately needed his mom and knew only I could save and comfort him. But my precious little boy was not prepared for what happened next. Instead of coming over to rescue him, I had to hold him in place so that he could experience the pain two more times. The sheer look of heartbreak and confusion that flashed across his little face completely broke my heart. I knew that in that moment, he couldn’t understand why his own mother would “betray” him and let the mean nurse hurt him. I have to admit, I cried deeply that day.


My little boy was mad at me for the rest of that day. He probably questioned whether I really loved him. Eventually he got over it, of course. Then came the first day of Kindergarten. He had a great first day, and by the end of the week I asked him how he liked school. “I had so much fun mom.” That made me smile. So I sweetly reminded him that this is why you had to get those shots, son.


Sometimes, we find ourselves in the same situation with our Heavenly Father. We are going through life and the enemy throws shots at us. Although we try to be brave, sometimes the pain is too much for us and we run desperately to God. We stretch out our hands to Him, knowing He is right in the midst of our pain, expecting Him to deliver us right then. Sometimes He doesn’t. Sometimes, God holds us in those painful experiences and it breaks our hearts. Like Naomi, we question God’s love for us and think, surely, God’s hand must be against me. We aren’t able to comprehend how this moment of pain could be connected to the blessings ahead of us. We have to trust in our Sovereign God and know that our present suffering pales in comparison to the glory that will be revealed in us. We have to trust with all of our hearts that our Pain has a Purpose! God is not punishing us and His hand is not against us. He is using this moment of pain to protect and prepare us the beautiful blessings ahead. Will you trust Him?


Most precious God, I don’t understand why you are holding me in this place of pain, but God I trust you more than I trust this pain. God help me to hold on to the fact that this pain is temporary, but Your goodness and glory are forever. Help me to know that this pain has a purpose. I pray by the power of your son’s Jesus name, Amen.


By: Min. April Carter