Romans 9:17 “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everyone.”
I’m sure I made it very clear how much I initially struggled with the idea of sending my son to Iowa to live with his dad for a while. I can easily say that saying “Yes” was one of the most difficult decisions I’ve made in my entire life. But I prayed and asked God to allow love and grace to guide my heart in making the decision, and God clearly spoke to me and led me to that yes. I decided to let everything that happened between us go. I let go of the years of absence, the harsh words, and crippling mistakes. I made the choice to love and forgive, just as Christ did (and continues to do) for me.
Cameron has been gone for a little over two months, and though I miss him dearly every day, God has been faithful and right in the midst. He brings me comfort in the way of phone calls and video messages, unexpected pictures and messages of “I love you mommy”. Cameron has settled in nicely and has made really great Christian friends, and he’s doing great at his new school. Although they don’t have a church home, God is using Cameron and his friends as willing vessels to be the light of Christ in the home. Where I used to shed tears of pain, I now cry tears of joy and thanksgiving, knowing that God is truly faithful!
We sometimes feel justified in repaying evil for evil. When someone wrongs us, it seems unnatural to turn around and do right by them. But that’s exactly what Christ is calling us to do. As followers and imagers of Christ, we are called to operate in love; and that love is required to be sincere. When we step back and deal with people with sincere love, God allows us to truly see people. Sincere love helps us to see past attitudes, past tough exteriors, past hurt, past disappointments, and it allows us to see the heart of people. As Pastor Wilson reminded us last Sunday, (and I paraphrase) “You can reach people if you can’t truly see people.”
Don’t buy into the lie of the enemy that revenge can be “sweet”. The word of God tells us to steer clear from taking revenge, because that’s God’s job. The book of Malachi chapter 3 asks, “Shall a man rob God?” This scripture refers to tithes and offerings, but I would also submit that when we pursue our own revenge, we also rob God for He tells us in His word “It is mine to avenge; I will repay, says the Lord”.
As Children of God, let’s be the Standard of love and forgiveness that we are called to be. I challenge you today let go of the hurt and pain causing you not to love as God called us to love. Decide to meet wrath with sweet words, decide to pray for those who wrong you, decide to feed those who take from you and love those who hate you, sincerely. I can attest that God will honor you for honoring him and well work every situation out for you good, even though you may not understand it. Give it over to God and ask him to give you the strength and courage to take that first step. Then step back and watch Him work!
Heavenly Father, I thank you for loving me sincerely, even though I don’t deserve it. God help me to put “self” aside so that I can focus on loving others as you’ve commanded me. I thank you that I don’t have to do this alone, because you are always there to provide the strength I need to follow your will. I thank you for the love and grace shown through the crucifixion of your only son, so that I may receive eternal life with you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
By: Min April Carter