




Faith Church is a vibrant, loving Church located in the Frayser community of Memphis, Tennessee. We are dedicated to spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ to all people under through the vision of our leadership. We are dedicated to growing young leaders and seeing God work in new and exciting ways. Click below to contact us. We would love to see you!

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Weekly Devotionals

Words of Faith from our Ministers


2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬ ‭KJV - “For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.”‬‬

I was aware back in June that I was going to be a full time teacher this school year. It didn't give me a shiver until I was up at 7 a.m. two weeks before the start of school, headed to in-service to learn what my new job entailed. I started to wonder what type of teacher I’d be? How would I handle unwanted behavior in the classroom? What if a student tried to get loud and disrespectful with me? Do I knock them out or keep my cool and issue that write up? 

There were so many things going through my mind that I knew were not of God. I couldn't focus or dwell on these things, because if I did, the first day of school would definitely be terrible. But I continued through in-service and every so often I would think to myself that God had not given me a spirit of fear. Throughout the week my husband, and a few really awesome friends,encouraged me and I accepted the encouragement, but I still felt unprepared and worried about what was to come the first day of school.


It was the Friday before the first day of school and I'm sitting on the couch attempting to put together a lesson plan for the first week of school and I'm looking at a blank page. Again a wave of discouraging thoughts entered my mind and I felt that shiver again. But I was reminded that God had not given me the spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. A sound mind… a sound mind he has already given. Meaning the peace is already there. I just had to set my mind on it. I said a quick prayer right there in that moment and immediately I had a peace of mind about the entire situation. Those initial questions no longer gave me a shiver when they ran across my mind. I started to think that God had been preparing me for this position for quite some time. I've had several chances to teach youth and young adults and tackle some of the things that I thought would be a problem for me. I was prepared. I had peace.


I intentionally focused on the things that God had given me. The Holy Spirit had reminded me that God had set things in motion way before this very moment. That set the atmosphere for me as I continued to finish that lesson plan. Now having conquered the first week of school, I am confident that God had given me everything that I needed.


You have to intentionally focus on what God's word says that you have. Satan doesn't want you to believe what God says that you have. But I dare you to believe that God has given you a spirit of power and see yourself overcome. I dare you to believe that you have love and watch hearts change. I dare you to believe that you have a sound mind and see how stressful situations be handled with peace of mind. If you believe God then Satan’s plans can't go forward. So when the day becomes stressful be reminded by God's word that you have the power, the love and the sound mind to continue through.


Dear God,


I thank you that we are not afraid of what life brings our way because you did not place that in us. Lord I thank you that I was created to see the good in all things, to overcome any situation, to love and to forgive even when it hurts and to have self-control and a sound mind and peace.


By: Mrs. L. Freeman