John 15:2 - “He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, so that it will be even more fruitful.”
Finding out that I had rapidly growing fibroids in my uterus was not the news I wanted to hear. I’ve tried to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but still found myself facing this health concern and needed to take immediate action.
I faced the options to either have a hysterectomy or a myomectomy (removal of fibroids only). There were benefits and risks with each option, but I decided to go with the myomectomy. Although the myomectomy had fewer risk factors, it still required me to get cut, just like the other option.
It’s amazing how three small incisions can cause so much pain. Everyday things that I typically do with ease, I now have to carefully execute. Whether it’s getting up from a chair, turning over in the bed, even laughing… the simplest things now make me think twice about moving at all. But I have to remember that this is only temporary pain. Although I had the option to completely remove everything, I made the decision to address and remove the problem.
Minister Demarcus Addington preached a powerful, timely word about being willing to be cut in order to grow back better. He challenged us all to be like that starfish. Even when the starfish is cut and loses a limb, it doesn’t go away and die, it grows back… stronger. The process of growing back may look weird and it may feel uncomfortable, but by design, it is made to grow back stronger.
Right now you may be in a pruning season and feeling the pain of the process. There may be an area in your life that God is simply shaping up and making stronger, but it’s painful. Are your relationships being pruned, but you’d rather cut your loved ones off, because the pain of working through the problem seems just as painful as ending the relationships? Is your ministry being pruned, but you’d rather walk out now, because the pain of being disappointed feels just as bad as the pain of walking away? Are your finances being pruned, but you’d rather not give, because the pain of being broke and faithful is just as painful as being broke and disobedient? During the pruning process, it is difficult to see the benefits of endurance, when the pain feels the same as giving up. But God gives us a promise that if we remain faithful during the pruning, we will be rewarded. Our relationships will bear fruit. Our ministries, our finances, our gifts… whatever it is we endure is promised to be fruitful!
Don’t give up now. Don’t let a temporary pain cost you your fruit. Don’t cut off what is meant to produce, instead of simply cutting off the problem. God has plans for your life that will yield beautiful results. Look past your pain and to the cross. Allow Jesus on the cross to be an example of victory on the other side of pain. Continue to hold on and be ready to testify about how a feeling of being cut turned into God cutting up in your life!
Heavenly Father, this pruning season hurts but I choose to trust you and endure. God help me to keep my eyes on you and my heart strong as you shape the things in my life that I want to let go, but you are making better for your glory. I thank you for loving me enough to continue to make me beautiful in Your sight. I love you and it’s in Jesus’ name that I pray. Amen
By: Min. April Carter